The majority of the Maghreb and Mashreq NGOs are not in a position to benefit from the advantages of Internet visibility. The Forum des Alternatives Maroc Association « FMAS » initiated in partnership with Oxfam Novib and Alternatives/AlterInter the project of the Maghreb/Machrek civil socity Portal, which aims to:

  • To understand the many issues, figures and features of the past, present and future processes of globalisation which have indisputable impacts on the populations of the regions targeted by this project, namely the Maghreb and the Machrek.
  • To make it possible for the populations and civil society players of these regions who often share the Arabic language to have access to this type of information in a centralized and user-friendly way, and to produce and publish reviews on such issues in this language, as well as in English and French.
  • To promote greater participation of the Maghreb/Machrek civil society partners in social movements that propose socially-responsible alternatives, as well as to research, analysis and production of knowledge on the phenomena of globalisation.


Enhance awareness of the richness engendered by the Maghreb-Machrek region’s civil society, and align their visions in such fields as development of social justice and democracy building.


  • Highlight the broad spectrum of actions used by civil society, with regards to the process used to develop social justice and further democratisation.
  • To promote the visions held by the institutions of civil society, through the provision of information on current activities, experiences and expertise of CSOs.
  • Strengthen communication, participation and networking among CSOs and social movements throughout the world, thereby heightening their contribution to debates and their mobilisation regarding campaigns focusing on common issues.

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